Making Sense Of The Trillions Repurchased

15-year history of all buyback plan initiations, revisions, and quarterly repurchases

InsiderScore Buyback Dataset Details

15-Year History Details
Total Repurchased $9.0T
Initiations/Revisions 40,000
Quarterly Buybacks 65,000
  • 15-year history of all buyback plan initiations, revisions, and quarterly repurchases
  • Every quarterly repurchase is attributed to a specific buyback plan
  • We capture intra-quarter repurchases disclosed in 8-Ks and other filing types
  • Details for Accelerated Stock Repurchases (ASRs) and more

Excel Library: Build on Our Core Templates for Advanced Analysis

  • Buyback Accelerations & Authorizations:
    Screen for companies with opportunistic quarterly buyback accelerations alongside insider buying, fund buying, and more; includes comprehensive details on all recent buyback activity.
  • CEO 'Conflict' With Buybacks:
    Identify potential conflicts where CEOs are selling during buybacks or authorizations, with precision around the CEO’s actual start date; includes detailed CEO buying/selling and buyback activity.

Example of our Buyback Accelerations Template

Buyback Company Profiles: Full History for Ideal Context

  • View a company’s buyback history to isolate company-specific deviations and price sensitivity
  • Easily identify companies with opportunistic histories of buyback accelerations or plan initiations
  • Analyze buybacks alongside insider buying, CEO/CFO changes, and more for multi-factor ideas

InsiderScore's Buyback Feed Options

  • Quarterly Repurchases:
    Includes all quarterly buyback updates included in 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K filings. We capture intra-quarter repurchases when possible.
  • Buyback Plan Initiation and Revisions:
    Includes all buyback plan initiations, revisions including plan increases and other plan changes.
  • Accelerated Stock Repurchases (ASRs):
    Includes additional details on "special" buyback updates like ASRs, Tender Offers, and more.